Sunday, March 1, 2009


1. Why is Revlon acting like their pedicure tool is something new? It is currently sold at Walgreens as the Pediegg. It isn't "timeless" anything either.

2. I am getting a pedicure next weekend at a spa as part of a bachelorette party. My feet (I originally typed teeth right there...whoa Nelly!) are pretty gross right now and I am constantly tempted to do something about it but I resist. I am going to let them get as ugly step-sister-ish as possible to get my money's worth...but do I do a little maintainance first so I am not embarressed?

3. It is about time to renew my typepad subscription for the password protected blog. I don't think I post pictures there that often, now that there is facebook. Lame, but true. I don't really want to pay for it anymore. I haven't figured out what I am going to do. I want to copy paste all the past entries and have them in one spot, but there was a lot of pictures. I wonder if I can downgrade without losing my info. What to do??? Advice is welcome.

4. I am hopefully going to be doing a post about our date this weekend shortly. Not sure when I will get to it, but don't let me forget.

5. I am feeling behind in tasks. LOTS of tasks. Does that mean I am over committed, unorganized, lazy, or all of the above?