Friday, February 27, 2009

chunky monkey

I am getting really bad at this updating business. I feel so torn when I get to use two hands for something about what to do and posting just falls to the wayside. I am working on a blanket for my niece. I started it before she was born, but after Rhys. I am almost halfway done but I feel behind since I wanted to be done before she was born.

Ava had her eye appointment at University of Chicago. Her appointment was with the head of pediatric ophthalmology. He would be the doctor who would perform the surgery, if necessary. It was a crazy day and our appointment was over 4 hours after it was scheduled. The end result was that surgery is definitely not necessary at this point, everything looks really good. The same thing that causes her glaucoma strengthens her optic nerve to be able to withstand the pressures of the glaucoma. Interesting phenomenon there. He doesn't think she will ever have a loss of vision due to the glaucoma. In the office at about hour 3.75, Rhys attempted to laugh at Ava. His first laugh ever. It was definitely a little chuckle. He also tried to laugh at me tonight. Both times, it ended with him starting to cry. He isn't sure what he is supposed to do and how to make the sound I guess.

He is turning into a little chunker. I swear his legs get fatter every day. I don't think he is getting longer at all though. Just chubbily. He holds his head up like a champion though and tries to have serious conversations with us.

Ava and I are busy planning our garden for this summer. She is very excited about growing a pumpkin so she can paint it. I am wondering how it is going to go over when she realizes out of everything we are going to attempt to grow, it will be the last thing that is ready. She is also promising other people our harvest. "We are growing strawberries in our garden. You can have some." I am not counting on more than three actual strawberries in the end, based on my garden's performance last year. I am planning on building some raised boxes thingies. I know there is a name for them, I just can't remember what they are. I need to get some wood and nails and I have everything else. I don't care if it looks pretty. Its function is to hold dirt.

Yesterday when we were at my mom's house, Ava was getting Grandma to dance. She wanted her to "shake it." My mom was wearing a vest that had what I guess you could call tassles on them. It was part of a costume. Any way, Ava decided she would lead her in a dance. She kept telling her to, "Shake it! Shake it up high! Shake it down low. Don't use your hands to shake it. Just shake it!" It was pretty funny because she was doing it too. Ava is must really be learning how to shake it at dance class. Last week she was the only kid there. When the class started the teacher was dancing around and Ava was just glaring at her. I was thinking that it could end up being a very long hour. By the end Ava was dancing too, in between taking time to make faces in the mirror and inspect her forehead for who knows what.