Sunday, March 22, 2009

quotes from the weekend.

1. Ava rolled off the couch in her sleep earlier in the week. Her shoulder seemed to bothering her, so I took her to Immediate Care for x-rays. In the little registration office-

Registration lady: So what brings you here today?

Ava: So I was chased, yeah chased. Then I was attacked, and I got a big scratch on my back from the dragon. Yeah, big scratch on my back from the dragon. Haha! It was so crazy.

2. Driving home Saturday night. No idea who or what she was talking about.

Ava: He was just yelling and screaming. He was screeeeaaaming like a big ham.

3. Ava giving Justin a kiss goodnight.

Ava: That stinks.

Justin: What does?

Ava: You.

1 comment:

  1. She cracks me up - she is such a character! So I assume the shoulder is ok? Is it still bothering her?


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