Wednesday, December 16, 2009

white elephant what?

So it is the season for white elephant gift parties. I really do enjoy them. I think the whole process and swapping is fun. What I don't enjoy is having to pick out a gift to bring. I think this all stems from my first white elephant gift exchange experience.

In fifth grade we had a white elephant gift exchange in class. My instructions about what a white elephant gift were this: bring in something that is wrapped up like a present but really wouldn't be something that anyone would want. It shouldn't cost you anything. We will pick presents based on the wrapping on the outside and trade everything and once everyone has the present they want, we will open everything and see what you get.

So I wrapped up a shoe box, filled it with rocks and newspaper and inside the paper, I wrapped up my sister's old, gummy pacifier that I found under my bed. It was NOTHING like the gifts that other people brought. Packs of gum, giant rolls of toilet paper. Random hair ribbons, things like that. I took my instructions seriously. This was a completely useless gift that nobody would want. Nobody found it to be funny either.

Since this party I have done quite a few white elephant gift exchanges. I still never know what to bring. I think I have an idea this year, I just have to find it. If I don't find what I am looking for, watch out. I still have a lot of old, gummy pacifiers lying around.

1 comment:

  1. Ha! I can't wait to see what your bring for your "Fave $5 Thing" tomorrow!!!


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