Friday, April 3, 2009

1st Cupcake night

A couple weeks ago, The Pioneer Woman had some posts about fondant covered cupcakes. I wanted to try to make them. I thought it would be fun to have some people over and experiment with fondant, feed off of each others creativity and all that. Some people get together to scrapbook or make other things. I don't DO those things. It kind of makes me cringe to imagine doing because I just really suck at things like that so it ends up just frustrating me. So I figured...lets get together and make desserts.

***Total side note, just have to say it. Justin is sitting on the couch working on his laptop. I am sitting on the couch typing this on my laptop. Ava is now sitting on the couch pretending to work on her laptop. She doesn't really have a working laptop, well it does work, but not well. It is like a 10 year old, 50 pound Mac. Back to the planned post.****

The idea was we could watch Grey's Anatomy, decorate cupcakes, and maybe have a few cocktails. Grey's was a rerun, I forgot to purchase cocktail supplies, kids came to help so that wasn't really a good option anyway, but we did decorate cupcakes.

Diana got adventurous and made her own fondant and buttercream frosting. I think those will be things that I will attempt if I ever get a standing kitchenaid mixer. Until then, Betty Crocker will be my friend.

We only had one real mess/disaster. Little cup of water dumped onto powdered sugar and fondant. It cleaned up nicely though. Fondant covered cupcakes are totally something I will do again. I generally make ugly things, so I feel like I can at least have sort of cute cupcakes now.

The kids. Dori still searching under the table for sprinkles.

Rolling out the fondant. Some of the colors we made, others were pre-made colors.

Val couldn't find her cupcake pans, so she got creative.

Michelle didn't want to use fondant. She had other ideas.

Justin and my brother were playing babies and fixing the wireless card on a laptop.

They really were supposed to be taking care of the babies (my neice is a month younger than Rhys) but I guess my brother took it too far.

Diana did a combination of fondant and buttercream decorating.

And here are mine...thanks shape cut out thingies.

Bonus picture: cake ball chicks from last week.

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