People have been suggesting that I sell some things I make on Etsy for a while now. I have never really been up for the challenge. I guess I have thought they aren't good enough, original enough, something like that. I also worried about getting more orders than I could fulfill. The opposite worry of my first worries, which is odd. But fears aren't always logical. So what is the worst thing that could happen? I try and nobody buys anything. Then what? I have things to give away as gifts.
I have decided to go ahead an open up an Etsy store. I have two hats that are finished and ready to go. I even have a willing and ready baby to model them and her mom is going to take pictures. (Thanks Rachel for having a cute little baby at the exact same time I decide to do this!) I don't think cell phone pictures help the sales at all. So we are going to visit today and bring some banana bread, the blanket I made for Keira Q., and take some pictures of my hats.
The only debate...what do I call my etsy shop? I honestly have no idea.