Monday, June 29, 2009

random thoughts

Ava is off for her playdate. I am waiting for the dishes to finish so I can re-load the dishwasher. I am not yet ready to go fold laundry. I am working on a spot on the carpet. Go Diego, Go! is still on. Why? I have no idea. I have a bunch of little thoughts for posts, but not enough on each topic to make up a whole one.

* I got a pedicure on Thursday to prepare for the wedding. My toe is now all infected. I think this happened the last time I got one. I am being punished for vanity.

* The list of things I want to do is getting longer, but more focused. I REALLY want to do these things, not just think it will be fun.

* The list is:
- I really want to learn how to knit actual items of clothing.
- I want to be able to set aside real "me" time to work on said items of clothing and other things, like reading for learning and pleasure.
- I want to start taking regular horse back riding lessons and possibly look into riding competitively. It is something that I have always wanted to do and I can actually start up as an adult. I took a horseback riding class in college and it was awesome.
- I want to move to a house with a yard and a garden.
- I want a cleaning lady.

* Rhys is napping. He keeps rolling into his play thingy on the side of his crib and setting off the music. If that thingy wakes him up it will be in the garbage. Hear that play thingy? I am warning you.

* We have successfully grown 3 tomatoes. Ava has eaten them all. There are a ton of green ones just waiting to turn.

* One sunflower has dodged the landscapers. They are out there again right now so we will see if it will survive. It is still just green leaves, so if it would hurry up and turn into an actual flower it will have a much longer life expectancy.

* I am not sure how I feel about my new blog format. It seems a little intense and hard to read.

* I love it that the insurance people from Children's actually called me to tell me ahead of time what my estimated out of pocket will be, down to the dollar.

* I have a month until I can get a new cell phone for free. Decisions, decisions.

I should go fold clothes...and spray for ants.