Tuesday, October 14, 2008

wow, long time no post

I keep meaning to post something, I just don't get around to it.  I don't really remember what all I have been meaning to say right now.  Oh well I guess.

I am working hard on some blankets.  Hopefully I can have some finished soon. 

I have also decided to sell my cloth diapers.  So far I have two people interested in two kids that I have.  That only leaves like 20 more diapers to be sold.  It is kind of sad selling them.  They were really cute and I enjoyed picking them out.  I just did not enjoy washing them.

Ava has gotten old.  This weekend we were at a baptism reception thingy in a house she had never been to before, with people she had never met.  She was completely willing to go off with a stranger with the promise of toys upstairs and kids to play with.  She just left us and would come back randomly for food and then go back to playing.

I am going to a chiropractor for my back.  I have had two adjustments so far and it seems to be helping.  I am able to do more and it isn't hurting quite as bad as soon when I do all that stuff. 

I am having an odd reaction to simply homemade food in combination with shopping at walmart.  I miss shopping at Dominicks.  I want to go back.  I want there to be food to make, actually cook in the house.  I miss some of the things we used to eat.  I want to shop in a clean grocery store with short lines.  I am a little mad at walmart right now for being so seductive with its location and somewhat low prices.  I really hate shopping there, yet that is always where I end up.  Now we use their diapers...for the love.