Friday, August 19, 2011

Call me crazy...

Today a friend and I drove three hours to the Michigan Fiber Festival. It was very interesting to say the least. I ended up not buying any yarn, which was odd. I was prepared to have to talk myself out of a lot of it. I had set myself a budget of what I would allow myself to spend. I told myself that I couldn't buy it no matter how pretty I thought it was if I couldn't think of a project to go with it. I had limits in place! I felt very little temptation. I am not sure what the issue was. I think it might have been the total quanity of choices. It isn't every day when you have about 50 mini yarn shops selling their wares. That is a lot of choices. I took notes of the brands I liked and styles I liked, so I could order them online when I came up with a project, but that was about it. I bought one pattern and an elephant ear. (We did also stop for some wine at Lemon Creek Winery, but that wasn't technically at the festival.)

I was intrigued by all the spinning wheels. I was able to watch it and I got the concept. I am sure it is something that looks easier than it really is, but I now have a bug about it. I want to do it! I want to go take a class, learn how to spin and do it. Maybe I will love it, maybe I won't, but it will be one of those things where I can say I have done it. I am not actually sure what I will do with the yarn I make, if I get into it. Obviously I could make something out of it... This might be a nice, needed break for my wrist tendons. I need to make this happen.