Tuesday, January 5, 2010

chances are

Chances are that I will never actually get around to writing the posts that I have meant to get to. I don't have a to do list that I can cross off. Maybe I should make one.

Life is getting back to normal with Justin back at work. We didn't get a lot of things done on his vacation like we had planned, but some things were finished. He and Ava did go see a movie. We did all go Chuck E. Cheese. I worked on my knitted scarf. We got a cable line dropped into our bedroom, well at least 95% of the way. The tv is set up in our room instead of Ava's and is functional so that works. In the winter our house is extremely cold downstairs so I much prefer to hang out upstairs. This makes quiet time much more productive since I can be upstairs to enforce Ava staying in her room, not freezing, watching something without cartoon characters and folding laundry at the same time. Goal for the winter, get in the habit of folding and putting away laundry every day so by the time we venture back downstairs, it will be a part of my routine.

Ava started swimming lessons today. She took lessons before but those were the ones where I hold her and just make her try to kick in the water. These are big girl lessons. She sat on the side of the pool and did everything with her instructor, without me. She gave me many "please save me" looks at the beginning and even tried to bail out and have a meltdown, but I just put her back in the water and she stayed. The class ended up moving to the other side of the pool from where we were sitting (Ava is taking her class with her friend Annika, so that means I get to sit and talk with Annika's mom.) and I saw her smile a few times. By the end she said she had fun and is going to do it again, which is good because she has 7 more weeks!

I have managed to continue knitting my scarf without my hand falling off. A key element to this is sleeping with a wrist brace on and limiting computer activity. I apparently can't do it all. This is good news to me and I have decided to plan ahead for a few future projects. I am about 2/3's of the way done with my scarf. It is kind of a slow pattern since every row is different (I say this like i know what i am talking about...I have never followed any other pattern in knitting, but I know that it would slow me down in crocheting so whatever.) and I am looking forward to being done with it. I ordered some sock yarn today and circular needles so I am hoping that by the time my order comes, I will be done with my scarf so I can start on a pair of socks. Other projects on deck: felted bag and a baby blanket.

School started up again for both of us. I have yet to start anything for it. I did look at the syllabus and I have fewer projects than last class, but not by much. This should be interesting to see how Justin and I manage our time to allow us both to get things done.

I have decided that I want to make some scones, because it will sound fun in my head to offer people a scone. Off to find some scone recipes.