Monday, March 31, 2008

The Loop by Nicholas Evans

3.5 - The Loop by Nicholas Evans

I just finished The Loop.  Nicholas Evans also wrote The Horse Whisperer.  I read that one while in college.  The Loop  is about a pack of wolves in Montana, the ranchers they bother, and the wildlife biologists who study them.   I would place it in the Nicholas Sparks genre, though a little less romance.  Some of the descriptions were so clear I actually attempted to turn away so I didn't have to watch (which didn't help since I was reading the book).  I was very into the story and pretty much attempted to read it every chance I got.  When I found myself with downtime and wasn't with the book, I was annoyed because I wanted to know what was going to happen.  I actually stayed up late two nights in a row to read this sucker.  It is now back to my inventory on, so it wasn't so great that I will never let it out of my hands. 

I am currently reading Sushi for Beginners by Marian Keyes.  I have read most of her books already so I am curious to see if I will like this one.  Stay tuned for that review.

I had this big long post written in my head last night.  I have now forgotten it.  That is why I need a laptop with wireless I can post in bed.  I often think of the best things to say while trying to fall asleep.