Friday, February 11, 2011

school days

A week ago Ava was the special person at school. That means she gets to bring in something for show and tell, bring the snack, and do all the special things that day in class, like be at the front of the line and other very important 4 year old things. She must have been slightly confused about the fact that this honor does not cross over into regular life. All morning she was saying, "but I am the special person!" "Rhys is trying to sit in my chair and I'm the special person." "Don't yell at me! You never yell at the special person!!!!!!!!" "Don't tell me what to do, I'm the special person!!!!"


I am confused as to how this actually happened. I am sure every parent feels this ways, but this morning I am going to be lining up to turn in Ava's application for kindergarten. We have officially decided to send Ava to a local private school. Since until adulthood, I never really knew anyone who went to a private school and always thought our public school provided a good education, I find it still somewhat odd that we have decided to go with private school. Anyway I break it down, I know this is the right decision for our family. The state budget is going nowhere fast and that definitely doesn't mean amazing academics with small class sizes and art, music and foreign languages. I have been loving getting to watch Ava enjoy school. She comes home so happy almost every day. She talks about what they have learned and is excited to learn more. I really did love learning new things in school and I just want to continue to provide an environment for her that makes it fun to learn.

Then I start to think about the fact that she is going to be in kindergarten. She will be gone five mornings a week. I will be getting up, getting her dressed and ready for school five days a week. I will be dropping her off or setting up a car pool five days a week. Then I start to think this is possibly one of the strangest feelings ever. How did I get here? Carpools? Do people really do that? I thought that was just on tv. Seriously, there are going to be class parties, school volunteer hours to complete, fundraisers through out the year, all sorts of stuff. I just had my first child!!!!!!!! How can I already be doing the whole school mom thing? Ava and I are currently reading Farmer Boy by Laura Ingles Wilder before bed. Almanzo didn't go to school until he was 9. That makes a lot more sense to me!


  1. I cannot believe our babies are going to Kindergarten either. It's insanity, really.

    And, yes. Carpools in real life totally ROCK. And as far as public versus private ... you really just have to do what's best for your kid and not worry about anything else!!! If my kids' class sizes were going way out of control or services were being cut, I wouldn't hesitate to pull them out, if I could. Thankfully, our neighborhood school is solid.

  2. when your hubby and my Cara were just babies Yvonne and I would sit and fret over "the going to school days" They come way to fast and even before Ava is officially starts my advice to you is "don't blink" ~ enjoy every step of the way! It goes by way too fast....


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