Sunday, April 19, 2015

The rest of the trip and then some

Work started and it sucked away my will to do anything so there isn't a whole lot to say about that. I did venture into Old Town and made a friend from New York but I don't even really know her name. I didn't see anything cool and ate a lot of southwestern style food. I did finish my book which was great. I also figured out how to download rented movies one iPad so I had something to watch on the way home. It definitely made the flight more enjoyable.

I loved coming home to my babies. Isla was fully crawling, starting to pull herself up and had learned to blow raspberries. All of this in 4 days. She also was very constipated. It was overall a strange training. Usually I get tons of ideas and am excited to come home and get back to work. This was not the case at all. I am actually dreading returning to work. There have been a lot of changes at work lately and it is a different environment. There has been a lot of wait and see and so far I am not seeing anything good. 

I also officially told the school that we won't be returning next year. I am confident that we are making the right decision for our family. I am glad I am not locked into my job for the tuition money (still am for life money, but we will see what the year brings) as I am feeling the call to be home more and have been reminded of what I wanted to be doing when I was previously planning on eliminating work.

In other news I got a free journaling app. I feel compelled to use it but I am not sure why or how it would be an different then this except it could be just for me. It would be pretty cool on my pretend Mac.